Why Did My Website Drop In Google? And How Can We Help You To Get Back?

Many businesses focus on high rankings to improve the traffic to their websites. Suppose you have been on the top of the rankings and suddenly you notice a drop. It is not a surprise that you will be terrified and find ways and means to be back on the top. Let us see what reasons will lead to a drop in the rankings. Some of the reasons are as follows;

Low-quality links have a high negative impact on websites. People don’t like to go through such websites.
Bad hosting and slow page loading will lead to dissatisfied users. It results in a drop in the traffic which will ultimately cause a decline in ranking.

Businesses are multiplying day by day. There are substitutes for many goods as a result. Since there are many competitors in the industry, the target market gets divided among the multiple numbers of businesses.

The updates by Google also affect the ranking. Web sites are being penalized by Google updates if they are not by the Google webmaster guidelines. Algorithmic updates like the panda, penguin and mobile friendliness by Google had a huge negative impact on the rankings.

Now let us look how can you get back to be on the top of your ranking once again. The steps that can be taken to overcome the above adverse effects are as follows. Since low-quality links are harmful, you have to take measures to remove those. The website must be analyzed first to see what links cause problems and then they should be eliminated.

Bad hosting is another cause of the drop in rankings. To get rid of bad hosting you must provide good user experience. Make sure that the pages load quickly and reduce user waiting time. In this way, there will be more numbers of people who visit the website.

You must be cautious to avoid Google penalties. For this, you can follow Google webmaster guidelines, and that will save you from being penalized.

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