What is Google Possum Algorithm Update?

Google keeps releasing new updates year by year. On 1st of September 2016, Google released a new algorithm which affected the Local Search results for Google Maps, Google Places, and the 3-Pack, as per the SEO Community.

This possum update mainly focuses on providing more accurate local search results. With the release of the new update, local SEO has turned out be more competitive. Before the upgrade, it was quite difficult for businesses to appear on local search results even with paid listings through Google AdWords or to have fully optimized accounts. The ranking is the most important factor that determines the number of traffic to a website. If you are highly ranked, then you get more traffic. With the increasing competition, businesses try to get more customers.

With this update, the search results are based on the actual location of the user. Mobile searches enable the use of GPS which helps to get the exact location of the user. Same keywords can be used to provide different results. A filter on the area of the business was applied to avoid more than one listing of the same place. With the new update companies which are outside the city limits but nearby the city is also shown on the maps. In the possum update, it is said that there are two different local search algorithms. One for local map results and the other for organic listings.

With the release of the new algorithm, Google has created new ‘filters’ by which high ranked listings are filtered with keywords. Google keeps evolving its algorithms concerning the behavior of its users based on the search trends and is willing to provide the best service to its customers who are going through searches. The possum update has brought many ranking problems of the companies to an end. SEO strategy can be implemented more soundly.

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