SEO Checklist For Website Owners

Let us see how to use the SEO checklist. This SEO checklist and on-page optimization are really beneficial. You’ll be able to track your traffic and for what pages and many other important metrics.

Google search Console is a free tool provided by Google to webmasters to get data about the status and performance of their sites. Look for finding broken links, errors, and crawl problems. These make it harder for search engines to find your content, index it and drive traffic to it. Therefore you must be cautious about them and fix them.

Perform keyword research. You should be able to understand the terms that people use in searches since it is vital for your SEO strategies. Take a look at your competitor’s product link. This will help you to understand their SEO strategy, how they promote their products and how they are building their broken links. You can improve yours by looking at theirs.

Try to get your primary keyword into your page URL. Keywords in the URL is a ranking signal. But you have to know that shorter URLs lead to better ranking than longer ones and it was proved through recent researches. Check your site’s speed and make sure is is fast. Search engines look for sites that provide a good user experience, and the speed has a huge influence on the number of visitors to the page.

Make your mobile site friendly as many of the users are going through mobile searches. If you aren’t still mobile friendly, you will drop in the mobile traffic to your site. Use synonyms in the keywords and content. Claim your brand name on as many social networking sites as possible. Add more value to your product by creating more brand awareness among the users.

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