Effects Of Google Penguin Update To Local SEO

First of all, let us see what Google Penguin update is. It was first introduced by Google in April of 2012. The primary purpose of the new update was to reduce and punish spammy and manipulative links between websites.

Google’s algorithms heavily rely upon links as a ranking signal. A site with more links is considered as authoritative by Google. A site’s significant portion is allocated to traffic and, SEO strategies by Google and other search engines. For this, they need to have close links.

The penguin update looks for sites that violate Google’s guidelines about manipulative links, individually paid links, and link networks.

The aims of the update are to;
• Punish new spam offenders.
• Remove penalties from websites that were affected by mistake
• Refresh data to lift sanctions from sites that have removed previous spammy links.

The Penguin update changed the SEO industry and link building in particular. Google has always warned against spammy practices in their guidelines. The Penguin update is very effective at finding and punishing spammy and automated links. It made an enormous impact on SEO.

The Penguin update resulted in losing significant amounts of traffic to sites, and subsequently customers. Penguin has had real and drastic effects on many businesses. Sites survive in the industry because of their clients, so if there is a reduction of customers, it will cause a huge negative impact on the sites.

Sites must look for help in the Google webmaster guidelines if they find it difficult to handle. They must get rid of unnecessary links in the pages. Those additional links can drop your rankings and affects your traffic negatively. Google brings a new change with the introduction of each new update. Businesses must prepare themselves to face those changes successfully.

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