Google Panda refers to an algorithmic update which was introduced by Google to improve the quality of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The Google Panda first rolled out to the market in February 2011. The panda update got its name because the Google engineer who developed the algorithm was Navneet Panda. There were certain updates of the algorithm in the past years since Google always try to adjust their service according to the current standards.
Google panda algorithm is a ranking algorithm released with the intention of preventing “low-quality sites” getting to the top of the search results, and to place the “high-quality sites” on the peak of the search results. After the introduction of the update, many sites with low quality were adversely affected that they experienced a dip in their rankings. On the other hand, the websites who maintained high-quality content were able to top up in the search results.
As you see, websites which already have quality content gets benefitted while the others are negatively affected. Therefore businesses have to reconsider on what to publish on their sites and how helpful the content is for the visitors. After the update, many businesses took steps in improving their content, and they even started hiring SEO consultants to write quality content than the competitors. If the customers are satisfied with the content of the site, there will be more visitors to the site which helps them to get more traffic. And this is what exactly businesses need, high ranking and huge traffic.
Google never stops reaching high standards to increase customers satisfaction while adapting to the changes with the improving technology. Therefore businesses must remember to keep an eye on the upcoming updates for better ranking and traffic.